And The Journey Continues…

Hello readers!! So I decided to update you guys on my yoga journey and I must say that, so far, it has been amazing. Well.. getting up extra early in the morning and telling yourself that you should be doing some yoga can sometimes be a tumultuous task but the feeling you get right after your practice is so delicious.

Being witness to the changes of your own body is one heck of an experience. Doing yoga everyday has enabled me to go to places that I thought I’d never reach, even if it means that I only moved half and inch closer toward the ground.

I also have a history of having a bad back and through yoga, it is now slowly fixing itself and becoming a little stronger everyday. It didn’t just make my back stronger but also more flexible and same goes to the rest of my body. Being aware of all these little changes teaches you to be grateful of the little things in your everyday life. From your first sip of tea or coffee in the morning, to feeling the wind brushing your skin.

I find that the more I practice yoga, the more I come to love myself and be comfortable in my own body. I started gaining confidence in myself and managed to keep a positive mindset, trying to be aware of how different things or situations affect me on a physical and emotional level. I am not quite there yet but I know that it takes a lot of patience (which is something that I do lack of…), work and time. But you have to keep a positive mind right? 

Yours Truly,

Inhale and exhale, breath, feel and live in the now.


One thought on “And The Journey Continues…

  1. Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
    Well done Kiki

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